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What and why Cyber Threat Intelligence

What and why Cyber Threat Intelligence.

When we say intelligence, we are dealing with information while cyber threat is the possibility of a malicious attempt to damage or disrupt a computer network or system.

With the above definitions, we can say that in cyber threat intelligence is about gathering of information that could possibly harm computer network or system.

Similarly to Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), a good source of information often comes from the community and just about 10 to 20% of it is from internal or from the agent himself.  Although reliability of this information vary from source to source, it is still beneficial to include this information for processing and analysis.

So, why the need for CTI?

Know what’s coming and prepare for it. The capability to identify threats that may come to your organization is important for an efficient decision for enhanced security and threat response.  Relevant and timely threat intelligence can help organization stays updated one step ahead of the threat as these threats are constantly evolving because of cyber criminal’s motivation that drives them to develop sophisticated attacks for their gains and cause. 

Everyone is at risk on cyber attacks no matter the size of your organization is, but with a well CTI, it helps your security team to monitor and detect  malicious activity on your network and be updated to the latest threats. CTI is not the only one and all solution but perhaps it can serve as the basis for making good decision to provide a quality cyber security.

The lack of utilization of intelligence can lead to a future crisis. Now that you have an idea of what is cyber threat intelligence and an overview of how it can help your organization, what will be your excuse for not implementing it. Cyber threat intelligence is the future of cyber security, and that future has already started in the past and keeps moving forward, don’t get left behind, catch up. Now!

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